Document Management Help

View Menu

  • Edit the selected document
  • Refresh the thumbnails and clears the viewer
  • Print the selected document or file
  • Change the printer setup
  • Delete the selected document
  • Export a document
  • Fit the document to the width of the viewer
  • Fit the document to the height of the viewer
  • Zoom in
  • Zoom out
  • Normal View
  • Rotate the document 90 degrees
  • Rotate the document 180 degrees
  • Rotate the document 270 degrees
  • Expand the thumbnail view for multi-page documents
  • View the document file details
  • View the help for scanning

View filtering



  • Show all documents - all document types
  • Show by document type - choose documents by document type
  • Show all dates - all documents with any document date
  • Selected date range - choose teh document date range
  • Search - performs a search by keywords or filename
  • Exact Match - search results are shown based on the exact text
  • Contains - search results are shown using any word or words in the text
  • Search - e - executes the search and refreshes all thumbnails
  • - clears all search filters

  • Application - the application you are using to call Document Management
  • Section - the part of your application used to seperate documents
  • Record ID - The reference used to locate documents
  • Documents - The number of documents stored for this record

Information on viewing options can be found in the How-To section